

32 Public figures abducted during the Korean War- Korea P
Korea Public
05-09-27 2415
31 The Korean War abductees
Lee Kyung-na
05-09-27 2223
30 True story of Chunwon Lee Kwang-soo
Bang In-geun
05-09-27 2383
29 First, information on the fate of these people
Ham Jae-duk
05-09-27 2173
28 List of names of abductees
Ham Jae-duk
05-09-27 2427
27 Current status of abducted members of National Assembl
Kim Jin-hyun
05-09-27 2301
26 One million signature gathering for repatriation of th
05-09-27 2278
25 Life of Wusa Kim Kyu-shik and his thoughts
Suh Jung-suk
05-09-27 2452
24 Desperate escape from the march of abductees
Im Taek-geun
05-09-27 2228
23 Novelist Park Gye-ju
Korean conte
05-09-27 2393
22 Pastors in Seoul abducted collectively to the North
Lee Chan-yeo
05-09-27 2224
21 Abductee or defector? Jung Ji-yong is a defector
Han Min-sung
05-09-27 2333
20 To father in the North from son in the South
Kuh Ja-ho
05-09-27 2527
19 One who's gone to Pyeongyang and one who came to Pyeon
Jung Jung-hw
05-09-27 2547
18 The Korean War and Literary circle
Kim Yun-sung
05-09-27 2305
17 A man of time limit II
Kim Yong-gyu
05-09-27 2493
16 25 years of remorse, Geomundo No. 04
Kim Yong-gyu
05-09-27 2260
15 Escape from a death march
Jang Jin-gwa
05-09-27 2318
14 Abductee - accused as a spy of Chang Kai Shek
Koh Bong-gi
05-09-27 2360
13 Report of the Korean War (Russian Ver.)
Russian Vers
05-09-27 2360
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