Important Facts:
WHO committed the Korean War Abduction?The N.K. Agents and People's Army soldiers, under orders from Kim Il sung, and his Chosun Labor Party.
WHEN did the abductions happen? (Premeditated abduction)
88.2% occurred during the 3 months (July - September 1950).
WHERE did the abduction take place?
42.3% took place in the Seoul city and Kyeonggi province located near North Korea.
WHAT kind of people are the abductees? (Preselection of target people)
98.1% of the abductees were males and 84.6% of the abductees were 16-35 years old.
Leaders of all sectors of the society, intellectuals, public officials, technicians and young men, including
169 National Assemblymen and politicians
190 judges, prosecutors & lawyers
1,613 policemen
2,919 civil administrative officials
863 professors and teachers
582 medical personnel
388 company executives
4,797 businessmen
2,836 technicians
HOW were they abducted? (Systematically)
80.3% were forcibly taken from their homes or in their vicinity, allegedly for a few questions, after which they were to be released. Some were arrested from their hiding places. Many abductees were first detained in the local Communist district offices, then moved to the Internal Police stations and then to prisons. Finally, in the nights, with their hands tied and guarded with guns, they were taken in groups on foot all the way to North Korea.
WHY were these people targeted for abduction?
To secure human resources such as intellectuals as well as manual laborers, who were in great need in the north, especially for its post-war rehabilitation and to disrupt socio-economic conditions in the south by depleting intellectuals and labor power, thereby placing North Korea in an advantageous position and giving greater political propaganda effect.
(1) ¡ºKim Il-sung's Collected Works, volume 4¡», <Regarding Bringing Intellectuals from South Korea> : Talks with agents to be dispatched to the South, dated on July 31, 1946.
→ a North Korea's document proving the North's abduction of intellectuals in the South

"In order to solve the shortage of intellectuals, we have to bring intellectuals from South Korea as well as to find out intellectuals within North Korea."
After the talks, a list of the South Korean intellectuals was made. At that time, great amount of money the North Korean regime had confiscated was brought to the South as bait money to lure intellectuals to go to the North, to of little avail.
(2) ¡ºRussia's Classified Document¡», <North Korean Military Committee Findings, volume 18>, dated on July 17, 1950
→ a Russia's document proving the North's abduction of engineers and laborers

"In order to solve the shortage of food in Seoul, the Military Committee decides as follows. Chairman of Seoul Provisional People's Committee shall send 500,000 people to the agricultural and industrial settings in North Korea to meet demand by each department and section."
(3) ¡ºHistorical Records Relating to North Korea, No. 16¡», <Regarding the Cooperation to the Plan of Moving Out Seoul Citizens> Gang-won-nae No. 3440 dated September 5, 1950
→ a North Korea's document proving that the North Korean Military order was actually carried out

"The plan of transferring Seoul citizens to the North for their job placement to factories, coal mines and enterprises is being implemented in each related sector... (omitted)... Arrest any runaway among the recruitees."
(Proof of forced abduction)"We forbid the moving-out of those lacking in labor power to the North."
(Those with labor power were selectively abducted.)View
(4) ¡ºHistorical Records Relating to the two Koreas, No. 16¡», a U.S. State Department document and letter from the U. S. Embassy in Tokyo, reporting the situations on Seoul to the U. S., dated October 11, 1950
→ a U.S.A.'s document related to North Korea's Abduction

"Between September 17 and 28, 1950, over 10,000 or at least 20,000 political prisoners who had been prisoned, detained or under surveillance in Seoul disappeared ¡¦(omitted)¡¦ In both West Gate and Mapo prison cases prisoners hands tied, and several then tied together. ¡¦but it believed most were forced march up road to north, although evidence indicates those physically unable proceed were shot in batches. ¡¦(omitted)¡¦ General impression from this investigation is that during last days occupation Communists, under orders, indulged in large scale deportations northwards those persons loyal to ROK¡¦"
- written by Drumright, Counselor of the Embassy in Korea; Dept of State, NARA(a U.S.A.'s document)
(5) ¡ºActivity Report by Yeonchun Police Substation¡», dated on August 5, 1949
→ a North Korea's document proving that the North's abduction was systematically carried out
"Activity report: Our mission is to heighten the crucial role of conquering the entire territory by infiltrating into the enemy-occupied area, mustering progressive figures, disrupting and breaking up the reactionary elements and abducting them."
(6) U.S. Foreign Relations (Dec. 4, 1951):
"Discussions on the larger issue of Korean civilians entail numerous political problems and should be avoided in the armistice discussions, at least for the present.? The Department of State is currently considering the political aspects of the repatriation of Korean civilians including the advisability of securing a specific list of leading Republic of Korea civilians believed to be in Communist hands."
- written by Webb, Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of Defense (Lovett); NARA(a U.S.A.'s document)